The meeting schedule is subject to change. To verify a meeting date, please contact the Township Office at (610) 436-5108
Special meetings and work sessions are advertised in the Daily Local News as required by the Sunshine Law.
The EAC shall consist of a minimum of five members who are appointed to a term of 3 years. Members must be residents of the Township and donate their time to the township for monthly meetings and work sessions as needed. The EAC is to be advisory to and shall coordinate its activities with the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board, Open Space Review Board, Historical Commission and other such Township entities. The EAC advises the Board of Supervisors regarding the identification of environmental problems and conditions and makes recommendations on plans and programs to promote the conservation of the natural resources for protection and improvement of the quality of the environment within East Bradford Township.
Environmental Advisory Council (EAC)
Robert G. Struble, Jr. 12/31/07
Jeffery J. Cantwell 12/31/07
Bruce Molholt 12/31/05
Mark Piazza 12/31/06
Margaret Van Gilder 12/31/06
Steven I. Werner 12/31/06
Seth B. Whitelaw 12/31/05
Regular Monthly Meeting
4th Monday of each month, 7:00 P.M., at the Township Building
This document was compiled from information researched and gathered from the East Bradford Township website. For additional information, please visit the East Bradford Township Website at: